Creating a great tagline

Everyone is familiar with the tagline, JUST DO IT! This is arguably the greatest tagline in the world, presently. The phrase is aspirational; appealing to people to attain more. It says nothing about what the company does however, it establishes Nike’s mission statement which is “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.” Some […]
Pitfalls to shun in branding a business

Choosing to be an entrepreneur and launching a brand with timeless influence is not an easy decision to make. It actually takes a lot of skill, hard work and usually a little luck. Importantly, when it comes to branding decisions, one bad mistake can derail even the best idea. All the more reason one has […]
Discovering your brand personality

Have you ever watched a movie or read a book and found yourself rooting for a particular character? Why? The answer is not farfetched: because of their personality. Our personality influences the way we think, talk, feel and react to different situations and people around us. Similarly, a brand’s personality represents how it interacts with […]
Branding beyond design

First of all, what is Branding? We decided to search on and below are a few definitions we found; Simply put, your brand is your promise to your customer. It tells them what they can expect from your products and services, and it differentiates your offering from your competitors’. Your brand is derived from who […]
Defining your target audience

Loosely defined, a target audience is the group of people we want to focus on with our marketing. Why is it important we focus only on a certain segment of people? We hardly ever have enough budget to reach out to everyone possible and so it is important we maximize the return on our investment by […]
Building brand awareness

A popular saying goes thus, out of mind, out of sight. Meaning those who have seen our business before will forget about us if they do not consistently see things from our business. If we are not constantly up in their faces, we will be forgotten. If not regularly showing up means being forgotten, not showing up […]
Importance of defining your brand promise

To answer right away, it is important to define our brand promise because brands are established by kept or broken promises. If the promise is not defined, how then can we know what we are keeping or breaking? Leaving it to our target audience to randomly decide gives room for uncertainties and that defeats brand […]
Building a reputable brand without graphic design

According to a survey completed by Ogilvy, Google and TNS, 74% of customers said they viewed word of mouth as an important influencer in their purchasing decisions. It is no news that word of mouth, what people say about our brand, is the best form of marketing. We are most likely to buy a product […]
Branding will not save a bad product – a tale of Kokiri Farms

We might be using ‘product’ a lot in the course of this content but in actual sense, we refer generally to whatever it is that is being offered to a target audience; products and services inclusive. Also, Kokiri Farms is something we made up just to paint a clearer picture. Pardon us. Ok! So, branding, […]
How to make a relevant logo

First, let us confess. The actual title for this post is ‘how to make a logo relevant’ but because many are usually more interested in the creation of the logo, we thought we should arrest attention with a title of interest. When building a new brand, the logo is one element we put foremost in […]