
Writing a great mission and vision statement

Writing a great mission and vision statement

Even if your business is still relatively new and small, at the point where you are ready to talk about it to a wider audience, it is time to begin considering the infamous Mission and Vision Statements that corporations are so fond of.

Having a solid understanding of your company’s mission and vision can help you connect more effectively with your audience, help employees identify more effectively with your culture, and give you a solid look into the future of your business.

[Tweet “Your company’s mission and vision can help you connect more effectively with your audience”]

Your company’s mission statement can be boiled down to a few key components. You will want to consider who you are, what service you are providing or the problem you are solving, who you are aiming to help with your business, and how you do it.

An example might be an up-and-coming streaming service that is bringing foreign films to a wider film audience by increasing accessibility at a reasonable price.

This clearly identifies these concepts and presents them in a compact way that simplifies what you are doing and how you are working to do it every single day.

The concept of a mission statement deals with where your business is currently at and what you are already doing. It tells anyone who reads it what your everyday focus is.

[Tweet “The concept of a mission statement deals with where your business is currently at and what you are already doing”]

Now that your mission statement has identified who you are and what you are doing today, you will use your vision statement to identify where your company hopes to be tomorrow.

Your vision is your biggest and most realistic dream for your company, what change you are bringing to the world, and what societal problem you are tackling.

The previous streaming service might believe that foreign films are vastly underappreciated because of how difficult it is to access them, which is why they want to compile the world’s largest collection of foreign films in order to further educate film watchers and unite people across cultures through media and art.

This company might not have the largest collection yet, but it is their long term goal to not only obtain it but provide access to it for a reasonably-priced monthly service that any film-lover can sign up for.

This tells the world what their goal is, what greater reason they are working for, and what problem they are hoping to overcome.

[Tweet “Your vision is your biggest and most realistic dream for your company, what change you are bringing to the world, and what societal problem you are tackling.”]

Having a solid set of mission and vision statements in your arsenal can inspire your customers, your employees, and the industry to see the world as you do.

This combination can simultaneously show the world what you are currently most proud of, and what you hope to accomplish for the long-term.

Thinking about where you are alongside where you want to be, allows you to continuously reference these concepts when making decisions involving the growth of your business going forward.

This will help you to ensure consistency in your decisions so that you stay true to your brand and never lose sight of where you are headed!
